Cupid’s Corner


'CUPID'S CORNER' is our newest program at Dolly's Legacy!

Cupid is a miracle boy who lives his best life despite being born with no eyes. He has no idea he's missing out on anything and sees the world through his other senses. Cupid was rescued by our Director at the age of 6 weeks when he was scheduled to be euthanized because of his 'disability'. Dolly, our namesake, was his seeing eye dog for the first few years of his life. We created this division of our rescue to feature the more difficult cases we take in - the animals that others often deem "unadoptable."

These are the cats and dogs who perhaps cannot hear, see, or walk without assistance. Maybe they have been badly injured and need a lifeline. Perhaps they have a missing limb or eye. Some have a disease that may shorten their lifespan, or in some cases, the animals are just old. Senior pets are often overlooked because people don't see them as a good "investment" and want to adopt an animal that will potentially be with the family for several years. Dogs that require wheels to get around can be intimidating to families unfamiliar with their disability. Cats with feline leukemia can happily live many years and are often kept in the company of other FeLV cats. Most of these animals get around just as easily as "normal" pets and they certainly are just as deserving of a forever home with soft beds and warm hearts.

We want them to know that at Dolly's Legacy, we will always be in their corner, just as we are in Cupid's.


Shorty was found by Wichita police after responding to a call. She had been hit by a car and was unable to ambulate with her back legs. She was transferred to Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University and was under the care of the Orthopedic Team. She had multiple fractures as you can see in her xrays. Her injuries were severe. Shorty underwent surgery to repair the most serious fractures in her pelvis and her femur. It required realignment using bone plates due to the severity of the injuries.

Estimate is at $5000-$6000. Please if you can share with your friends/coworkers/family/FB followers, we need all the help we can get with the price of her care.

Shorty needs us all in her corner, she has a very long road ahead of her. As long as there are no complications from surgery, her recovery will take 6 weeks, learning to walk again with the help of a sling as her bones mend.

Please help us help Shorty!

Donations can be made on our website
We will keep you updated on her progress on our Facebook page.

Please send healing thoughts for this precious girl.