She is an inside dog but loves outside. She used to be primarily outside. She loves water and snow and cold weather. She loves all of the animals that I've had her around but she's so interested in them and if she's not on a leash she will charge at them and it sometimes scares them and they become aggressive towards her because they are scared. She does shed alot and needs to go to a groomer every two to three months. She loves squeaky tennis balls and will squeak them until they break. She suffers from pretty bad separation anxiety especially when left at another house while we go somewhere for the weekend. Shes been left twice already. She will bark a lot at new people and people driving by so we got a vibrating bark collar that works very well. Shes very timid around new people and likes to be ignored by them but if they try to pet her and give her attention she barks at them and backs away. She has gotten on the counter and in the trash but it is few and far between. We have gotten a trash can that locks so she can't get in it anymore. Fireworks and thunder make her EXTREMELY anxious. We put a thunder jacket on her and she will sleep right next to me and I hold her close which seems to help/work the best. She is very smart and learns quickly. She knows sit, lay, shakes both paws, kennel, go to bed, hug, upstairs and she does ok with stay but not great. She typically only gets kenneled when she does something naughty.
Shepherd - German & Alaskan Malamute
- Female
8 Years OldMy DoB is 08/09/2016
- 91 - 100 Pounds
- Nebraska
- Intelligent
- I Like Kids Over 10
- I Like Select Dogs
- I Like Some Cats
- I Like Some Small Animals
I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
- I'm Trained
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