Winnie was rescued in early 2014 as an abandoned farm cat while full-term pregnant. Just days after being rescued, she delivered four beautiful baby girls, Tigger, Roo, Pooh & Piglet. She was a doting mommy to her kittens and dutifully watched over them until they were ready to find homes of their own. Sadly, Tigger was never adopted and mommy Winnie, too, was never chosen. They waited 3 long years on our adoptables list. The Legacy Ladies & Lads was created to honor this beautiful mommy-daughter duo and they are the first members. They are like two peas in a pod and will never have to worry about ever being separated or uprooted after being with their foster home for so many years.
Lassy gained her angels wings on 7-30-22.
Lassy is a senior lady full of love and affection. She found herself in a crowded Texas shelter and her number was up due to overcrowding. We couldn't let her story end so tragically, so we brought her into Dolly's Legacy so she could have a retirement home to spend her remaining time in being loved & doted upon. She is mostly blind & deaf, has failing kidneys, arthritic in her joints, but otherwise a very spirited pup! She enjoys being outside laying in the sun and in your lap when she's inside. She doesn't play much but enjoys a good tasting bone. This sweet older girl is so grateful to be spared a terrible fate and is now spending the rest of her days surrounded by her loving foster family.
Stella earned her angel wings on 4-9-21. She is now chasing butterflies in the fields across the rainbow bridge.
Stella was surrendered to a crowded city shelter at age 16 when her family decided to move away and not take her with them. Stella was so distraught & heartbroken to be abandoned that she developed a severe respiratory illness and nearly lost her life in her battle to overcome it. It took her months to be feeling safe again and has made herself right at home with her foster family. Due to her age and the stress change causes her, Stella has become a Legacy Lady and will live out her days with her foster family, happily sunning herself and enjoying being treated like royalty.
This kitty has quite a story to tell! Dolly's Legacy received an urgent request for help from a tractor supply distribution center after a report of a kitty running out of a tractor-trailer but they weren't sure which one or where it had traveled from. It could have come from any part of the country. Jane Deere was quite traumatized by her accidental adventure after stowing away in a tractor-trailer. Since she was not microchipped, we were unable to determine where she had come from. She likely had not lived inside before coming to Dolly's Legacy. However, she has adapted to the kitty indoor life of luxury in her foster home. After more than a year waiting for a forever home, we decided to move her to our Legacy program so she doesn't have to be uprooted and start all over again. She has bonded with a very special kitty boy in her foster home and loves to snuggle with him. We are grateful to everyone who jumped into action to get Jane Deere safe!
Skye was part of a law enforcement rescue seizure that took place in Southern Oklahoma. More than 60 dogs were found in an abandoned home where they were not being fed or given any care. Skye was an incredible mommy who found her way behind the sheetrock in order to give birth and protect her precious babies. She was found nursing them between the walls when rescuers arrived with the sheriff department to bring them to safety. All of her babies have gone on to find forever homes. Skye found refuge in her foster home and became a part of our Legacy program so she would never again need to start over. We are proud to be a part of her journey.
This little ball of cotton is Snowy! She was rescued by Dolly’s Legacy from a crowded Memphis shelter from which very few kitties make it out alive; Snowy is one of the lucky ones. She gained her first-class ticket with Pilots N Paws and was flown to her new life here in Nebraska. Snowy is a beautiful all-white kitty with mesmerizing multi-colored eyes, a condition called heterochromia. But, don’t worry, heterochromia is not a medical condition. Cats with heterochromia experience no adverse effects, even with their vision. It truly makes Snowy even that much more stunning! Snowy went a year without finding a forever home, so we made her a part of our Legacy program so that she never again would need to be uprooted. She loves her foster mom & is living the pampered life with her!